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Healthcare, college education, and childcare started getting worse decades ago. Now we're all finally feeling it.
Healthcare, college education, and childcare started getting worse decades ago. Now we're all finally feeling it.

Americans are accruing billions in debt to pay for things like education and healthcare....

Admin | Finance | 2 months ago

Social Security Benefits Could Be Slashed by 25% Without Big Changes
Social Security Benefits Could Be Slashed by 25% Without Big Changes

Time is running out. And it's happening faster than initially expected. That's the really...

Admin | Finance | 2 months ago

Tigers have personality traits similar to human extroverts and introverts, researchers say
Tigers have personality traits similar to human extroverts and introverts, researchers say

Tigers have personality traits similar to extroversion and introversion in humans, researc...

Admin | Finance | 2 months ago

Paul Singer, the Man Who Saw the Economic Crises Coming
Paul Singer, the Man Who Saw the Economic Crises Coming

‘Men and nations behave wisely," the Israeli statesman Abba Eban observed, “when they have...

Admin | Finance | 2 months ago

MySQL: binlog vs gtid in CDC
MySQL: binlog vs gtid in CDC

MySQL: binlog vs gtid in CDC Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash Change Data Capture (CDC...

Admin | Finance | 2 months ago

Why Do Mainstream Democrats Hate Matt Taibbi?
Why Do Mainstream Democrats Hate Matt Taibbi?

Admin | Finance | 2 months ago

Car Breakdowns Are Making More People Fall Behind on Their Loans
Car Breakdowns Are Making More People Fall Behind on Their Loans

Cars are staying on the road longer, reaching an age where they need substantial repairs o...

Admin | Finance | 2 months ago

More Workers Take Parental Leave as States, Employers Expand Eligibility
More Workers Take Parental Leave as States, Employers Expand Eligibility

Shawna Freeman Lane , 34, continued to teach college-level business by laptop after she ga...

Admin | Finance | 2 months ago

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